Thursday, February 11, 2010

Returning to the Art Walk...

I managed to return to the one of the galleries at the Pomona Arts Colony area to take another look of the current displays by Cassandra Tondro and Gabriel Gonzales. I happened to chat up a bit with the director and founder of the OBJCT Gallery, David Shearer, about how he wants his gallery to be different than the rest of the galleries in Pomona. Given the unorthodox style of art the gallery presents compared to something like the DA gallery, it is definitely something else and that's what Shearer kept elaborating on. Since it is called OBJCT Gallery, he wanted actual objects to be the focus rather than just your normal paintings that you use at other art galleries and museums. Objects have their own way of expression of being considered art with the tables that are being at the gallery now as examples. Personally I like how art can be a factor with our normal furniture and I always have a soft spot for unorthodox pieces of furniture that are artistic to the point I would want to have some of them in the future. The tape pieces by Gabriel Gonzales are also another example of how objects can be expressed in a special way. Even though objects are the main attraction, there's still paintings on display as well such as Tondro's paintings I mentioned last post. Shearer felt like having paintings on display at a certain gallery that will correspond to the message the whole gallery is telling and that makes sense to me. With the extra time spent at the OBJCT Gallery, I definitely understand what it takes for art galleries to stand out from everyone else, but that could be a tougher process than I thought it would. The gallery definitely has what it takes to be something special and not just your normal art gallery.

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